Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Planar Vehicle Simulation

Jawad had created the next simulation case for longitudinal function called Collision Imminent Braking. The simulation case describes the testing vehicle approaching from behind towards the reference stationary object (car/pedestrian). Simulation shows the testing vehicle kinematic maneuver when critical distance between testing vehicle and reference stationary object/Vehicle crosses threshold values. Two wheel planar differential vehicle was modeled in local reference frame, where the position, orientation, linear velocity and rotational velocity were defined in terms of right and left side wheels. The yaw angle was used as the control variable for safe maneuver. The local planner position and velocity vector was then translated in global cartesian coordinates.  3D visualization of the planar vehicle was represented by rectangular box; the straight road was represented by a fixed rectangular box; the sensor was represented by the single variable which calculate the distance between testing vehicle and stationary vehicle. The left and right tire constant velocity was provided to get the velocity and orientation at the center of the vehicle. Please click Simulation 2 to watch the video.

Dr. Jawad Masood
Postdoctoral Researcher, Halmstad University
Kristian IV:x vag 3, office F312,
302 50 Halmstad, Sweden
Tel:  +46 (0) 35 167 308
Cell: +46 (0) 76 221 2643