Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lost in transition

As described in Adam's paragraph from last week, the initial implementation of the Three point masses hybrid system, based on a DFA version of the Three point masses NDFA (see reproduction of original NDFA figure below, based on Figure 2.2 on page 15 of Languages and tools for hybrid systems design) manifested incorrect behavior during simulation.

Specifically, after the system made the first transition with label F2 (making the middle mass m2 fall from the table) the rightmost mass m3 subsequently fell through the floor instead of bouncing. The reason for this behavior is a missing transition (with label B3) in the m2bounce state of the original NDFA. Without this transition, when the automaton is in the m2bounce state, the bounce event for m3 is not detected. The STATEFLOW hierarchical automaton part of the SIMULINK implementation of the Three point masses hybrid system presented in the monograph (see Figure 3.3 on page 30) does include corresponding transitions for every state in which a bounce event can occur. Adam thinks that this will make it exhibit the correct behavior and will proceed to implement this hierarchical DFA in Acumen in order to verify his hypothesis.